Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do I need a vet to refer my dog for hydrotherapy?
A: Not necessarily – we do however always need a ‘Referral form’ signing by your dog’s vet (you can find these to download on the main menu of the website home page).
If you are looking for your dog to swim for rehabilitation purposes then you would always need to consult your vet to ensure that hydrotherapy was suitable for their illness/injury.
If your dog is fit and healthy and you would like them to swim for fun or fitness, then you would still need to consult your vet as we do still need the referral form signing.
Q: How long do the sessions last?
A: The initial session with us will be up to 60 minutes long as we need to go through some questions to find out more about your dog and any illness or injury that they may have. We allow time for your dog to have a look round and familiarise themselves with the environment. Usually following sessions are about 30 minutes long.
Q: How long will my dog swim for in the sessions?
A: This depends entirely on your dog – the illness or injury they suffer from and how fit they are – it will also depend on any advice from your dog’s vet. The first session swim is often short as we want your dog to get used to the pool and to understand what is expected of them. We would look to gradually build up your dog’s swim times as they get better/fitter (where appropriate). Your dog will spend a maximum of 20 minutes of being in the pool each session.
Q: Will my insurance company pay for the hydrotherapy?
A: You will need to check your policy wording or speak to your insurance company to be certain, however most insurance companies do include hydrotherapy in their cover. It would be unlikely that you would be able to claim if you are attending for fun or fitness swims.
Q: Do I have to get in the pool / Will my dog be alone in the pool?
A: No you don’t get in the pool yourself – there will always be a hydrotherapist in the pool with your dog – your dog will be the only dog in the pool at that time.