Dip Your Paws Privacy Policy
Dip Your Paws takes compliance with the Data Protection Act very seriously and we have procedures in place to ensure your data is kept safely and only for the purposes intended.
What Personal Data do Dip Your Paws hold?
- We collect your name, address, telephone number and email address.
- We need to know which vets your dog is registered with and their contact details.
- We also gather as much information as needed in regards to your pet. This could just be basic information such as their name and date of birth, but in more complicated rehabilitation cases we may need to contact their vet and request information such as their medical history and/or any X-Rays or other relevant details.
- We may also require details of any other practitioners that are treating your pet – such as a physiotherapist or chiropractor.
- We are required by the Canine Hydrotherapy Association to record notes of each session that your pet attends with us; including how the session was conducted and also any information you give us about your pet that is relevant to the hydrotherapy sessions.
Why do Dip Your Paws need your personal data?
- In order that we can communicate effectively with your pets vet in regards to their treatment/consent for the animal to attend sessions with us.
- To communicate with you in regards to your pet’s treatment and/or appointment times.
Why do we need your Pets data?
- As a member of the Canine Hydrotherapy Association we are to keep in contact with your pet’s vet for their consent for the animal to attend and also to communicate updates with the vet in regards of your dog’s attendance/progress (in rehabilitation cases).
How long do we hold your data for?
- The Canine Hydrotherapy Association require us to retain the records we keep for a minimum of 5 years following the conclusion of your dogs treatment/attendance at the pool.
- We may be required to share the records of your dogs treatment with the Canine Hydrotherapy Association as part of their auditing process which Dip Your Paws has to oblige with every 3 years.
- Your contact details are removed from our electronic records 12 months after your last appointment.
How we process your information.
- We only use your data for the purposes intended as outlined above. Dip Your Paws do not share your data with any other parties. We will never share or sell your data to any third parties.
- If you move to a different hydrotherapy centre we may be asked to forward information to them in regards to the sessions you have attended with us – we will only do this with your consent.
How is your information stored?
- Hard Copy. Your dog’s full record is kept largely manually in hand written format in a locked file that is stored on site at Dip Your Paws.
- Electronic Records. Basic information including your name, address and vet details are kept on a standalone PC at the office based at Main Road, Welbourn. The PC is password protected.Your name and telephone number are also stored on the owner’s mobile telephone (Apple iPhone).
- Electronic Calendar. Dip Your Paws have updated their calendar to an electronic version run using Acuity Scheduling. One of the reasons this system was chosen by Dip Your Paws was that it provides robust reassurance that they take the security and privacy of your information seriously, and will never market to, or share your information with others.
– The only personal data entered onto the system is your name, telephone number and email address.
– Access to the calendar is restricted.
– Full details of Acuity Scheduling’s security and privacy policy can be found here.
- DBS will be acting as the data processor of Dip Your Paws (“Client”) in our capacity of host of this website, which is why this policy is present on this website at co.uk (“this website”) (regardless of where you visit it from) and tell you about your privacy rights and how the law protects you. This privacy policy also applies to any personal data collected or received through means other than this website – for example via email, telephone or face-to-face contact.
- Click here to read the remainder of the DBS processor-only privacy policy.
- Should you choose to contact us via the email link like this one, none of the data that you supply will be stored by this website or passed to / be processed by any of the third party data. The data will be collated into an email and sent to us over the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). The email content is encrypted, however, not all mail servers are secured in such a way. Therefore, we would suggest that you always consider email as an insecure medium and not include personal, confidential or otherwise sensitive information within an email.
- In regards to the contact form on the website – the website does not store any details as they are directly forwarded to our email address.
If you have a complaint with how Dip Your Paws have handled your data please send your complaint in writing to:
Claire Wills
Dip Your Paws
c/o Grange Farm